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Distance Relationship, shall we?

Hello everyone! This is my first post! 🙂
In some moments of our lives, we’ll meet thousands of people, some of them are our friends, others were our friends and some died. But one day you’ll meet the guy/girl that you know previously that is your love of your life. Everything is great, all the moments and experiences are great … you share everything with him/her. But when everything seems so fucking perfect … your life makes to you a fucking bad move.

Which move? You realize that you need to split up physically with your love. There are a lot of reasons to that :

– you have a great opportunity for you career and you need to move somewhere else to gain some extra money (the same can apply for your partner);
– you were studying in the same town/country as your partner, but just for a short time. Then you need to come back to your country/town;
– you don’t have enough money, because you are not a billionaire, to continue your life with your love;
– and so many other reasons.

If you don’t know, i can tell you that is the worse feeling in life that i felt. Why? Because you simply feeling so fucking useless. You ask yourself why you aren’t able to BE with him/her. And then you understand, life ain’t so easy as you thought.

You feel so sad, bad … you just want to cry and to be mad. All this … are normal reactions.

I cannot tell you if it’s possible to maintain a distance relationship for a long period of time … because i’m in one just for a while, but i can say to you … that’ll try to do everything that i can to sustain it. Writing and sharing my feelings is one example of that. And why? This is a good way to keep you busy and to clean your madness.

Well, coming back to the topic, i know that a distance relationships has some pros and cons.


– you’ll realize how much you miss your love and your moments with him/her;
– you’ll have extra time to do your own things;
– you’ll be able to be more time with your friends;
– and maybe more, but at the moment i don’t know more.


– you won’t be able to touch, smell and flirt physically with your partner;
– you will cry as a baby;
– you will ask yourself why life has this kind of things;
– you will think about your life and how bad you are feeling at the moment;
– and much, much more, believe me.

You may reduce the missing with skype, texts, messenger, gifts, trips but meanwhile you know that all of it sucks, because that means that you are X KM distance of your partner. And no one wants that.

So, what do you think about what i wrote? You already been in this kind of relationship? You succeed? You failed? Why? Which advice can you give us?

Thanks so much, it’s my first post in this blog, but just with 500 words, i’m feeling a little bit better than i was before.

Everyone deserves to love and to be loved.

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